Lucy Gray

enjoy your stay <3

songwriter | vocalist | producer | editor | critic

Vylet Pony - Mystic Acoustics

Every time I listen to Mystic Acoustics, I notice some new detail that was woven into its sonic fabric.

It manages to deliver a carefully and tightly constructed world in just over an hour of runtime. I'm a songwriter and I know how difficult it is to tell a story through music, and this is a real exercise in restraint. There really aren't that many lyrics, with the most traditional song structures being present on the opening track "Forewarning" and "Wonders," the latter of which has a wonderful guest vocal appearance from Chi Chi. The rest of Mystic Acoustics takes a less is more approach, where the music largely speaks for itself, only using a sparse amount of sung lyrics or voice acting to deliver specific story beats. Leitmotifs are used very purposefully; just as one example, the use of a melody from My Little Pony's "This Day Aria" on "Statera" teases the presence of changelings. There are also many melodic arcs unique to the Starship Ponyville saga that are present here, and it rewards attentive listening.

The production is enchanting and otherworldly. In discussing this with friends and members of the fandom, I've heard many people write off the brostep/dubstep sections, and that makes me sad because this is far from boilerplate Skrillex wannabe schlock. I'm a longtime defender of electronic music being used to create unique timbres that never could have been created through traditional acoustic means. Mystic Acoustics takes full advantage of the possibilities of synthesizers (and orchestral instrumentation) not only to create beautiful atmospheric pieces like "Tales of Conviction," "Fall of the Empire" or the closing piece "Asteri," but also to make the opposing forces feel artificial and intimidating with hefty, chunky, huge bass and screeching, metallic leads on songs like "The Watcher" and "Death's Whisper." Yes, the occasional trappings of late 2010's EDM are present, but they're re-contextualized in such an artful way that's allowed this album to last far longer than the work it was influenced by. The raw skill and the breadth of the palate this project illustrates is aspirational.

I liked Mystic Acoustics when it first came out, but as I've been going back to it as the years have gone by, I've realized something: this isn't just the greatest album of Vylet's discography, but one of the greatest albums I've ever heard. Period. It's that good. It sounds exactly as fresh today as it did on its release date, and it still gives me shivers to this day. Clear out an hour of your time, get on your best set of headphones and really listen to this masterpiece track by track. It's a magical, captivating, and breathtaking experience that's worth every second.

Track Ratings

  1. Forewarning - 100/100

  2. Statera - 90/100

  3. Wonders - 85/100

  4. The Watcher - 95/100

  5. World Adrift - 85/100

  6. Deception - 80/100

  7. Tales of Conviction - 75/100

  8. Fall of the Empire - 90/100

  9. Inequality - 85/100

  10. Treachery - 75/100

  11. Cadence for the Dying - 85/100

  12. Death’s Whisper - 80/100

  13. Remember the Words She Spoke.. - 80/100

  14. αστέρι - 90/100

Average Song Score: 85/100

tl;dr - peak fandom music, cannot be convinced otherwise, fight me

Original Publication Info:
  • Location: Rate Your Music
  • Title: "A truly awe-inspiring work of art."
  • Rating: 5/5 stars
  • Date: 10 December 2021

enjoy the ride